
The Easiest Veggie Stew!

So whenever there's not much to eat in the house, I always can whip up a delicious veggie stew that is both satisfying and yummy! It's the easiest thing to do and takes little effort on my part, which is a plus!

 The most important ingredient, and the one that makes this stew, is the bouillon cube. So first you need to make the broth. You can add anything that suits your tastes! I always start off with five bouillon cubes and five cups of water in a deep pot, and put that to a boil. 

Then you start adding your spices. I add some rosemary, garlic salt, basil, oregano, and salt and pepper. If you want to add a little spice, add some red pepper. You can seriously add anything that you want here…there are so many different combinations of spices that will make this a different, yet yummy meal! Put this to a simmer for about 20-30 minutes. 

After that has simmered, and the house smells delicious, add your veggies. You can add fresh or frozen, or a combination of both. This is the perfect place to add your Ziplock freezer baggies full of your juiced pulp! So once the veggies have been added, simmer for 30-60 minutes and you're done!! 

That's it! I always add cheese to mine because I'm a cheese fiend, and because it tastes that much more delicious! So easy and so yummy, you'd be crazy not to try it!

Color Yourself Happy!

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