
To Juice, or Not to Juice… That is the Question

I've heard so many great things about juicing. All of the benefits like the nutrients shoot straight into your body, you feel more energized, good for detoxification, weight loss, cancer prevention, blah blah blah. So I've looked into it a bit more closely to see how good it really is and what the real deal is about it...

Obviously you're going to have to invest in a juicer, which we did. We recently purchased a Jack LaLanne juicer. 

Quick review:So far it's worked great! I've never owned a juicer before so I'm not sure how this one holds up against others, the only thing I hate is cleaning the thing... and the fact that the juice spout is pretty low so you have to put a small cup under it and pour it into a larger one when it gets full. It wasn't too expensive and it's helping us live a healthier lifestyle, so I say it's worth it! 

So now that that's over, here's the juicer that we bought...

So what got me into juicing in the first place was a documentary on Netflix. Yes, I know... I'm a Netflix junkie, but I live in South Korea and there's nothing else to do! Anyways, this documentary (which was called Hungry For Change for all you other Netflix junkies out there =]) opened my eyes to all the daily toxins we put into our system. So naturally, we went out that weekend and bought a juicer! I encourage everyone to watch this documentary so you can truly see what you can do to make your life better.

And on to my collection of juicing information…woo hoo!

Obviously juicing is going to take some effort and determination. It may not come naturally, or easy, but with daily practice, the rewards may overshadow the hard road it took to get there! So first off let's go with the pros and cons of juicing:

Pros: Quick shot of vitamins and minerals, helps get up that daily vegetable intake (which we all know is hard to do), not too time consuming- it's faster than eating all the juiced veggies, makes you feel more energized in the mornings, raw produce has natural medicinal effects, and helps rid the body of toxins and carcinogens.

Cons: Juicing takes the fiber out of the vegetables, you still need to eat vegetables aside from the ones you juiced, can be costly, and is it just me or does cleaning the juicer take forever? I mean the little metal slits never get clean! But the whole cleaning things not that big of a deal...

P.S. I'd like to say that you can still get the fiber from those veggies if you keep the pulp from the juiced veggies (it can be frozen...I freeze mine in Ziplock freezer bags) and then add them to stews or fruit ones can be saved and added to muffins - there! Problem solved =]

P.S.S. As for being too costly, I don't feel like $100 is that bad. That's about how much mine was and it's great! 

Now, there are a few rules that need to be followed when juicing...

Rule 1: Juices are meals. 
Veggies that are freshly juiced are a raw, fast digesting food. Because of this, if you drink them with a meal, it slows the digestion process. Therefore, fresh fruit and veggie juices should be consumed by themselves, as a meal.
Rule 2: Don't juice bananas or avocados. 
Almost any fruit or veggie can be juiced. The best things to juice are greens (kale, romaine, chard), carrots, broccoli, beets, cucumbers, parsley, cilantro, celery, apples, grapes, melons and citrus fruits. You should not try to juice bananas or avocados, since they do not contain juice and are super mushy. Another thing that shouldn't be juiced is coconut. Apparently these have no juice aside from the water inside, which can be easily poured into your drink. If you'd like to incorporate these into your drinks, juice what you'd like/are able to, then pour it into a blender and blend the juice with a banana or avocado.

Rule 3: Use organic produce. 
Organic products are better to consume since they contain no harmful pesticides. They are also higher in nutrients than regular, nonorganic produce. If organic produce is not an option, it's best to use a peeler to peel the skins off of the fruits and veggies as best you can. If they we're grown underground, like carrots, they just need a thorough washing. I'd recommend washing everything that you plan to put in your body, that way you can reduce your risk of ingesting something nasty!

Beets are the exception. Organic or not, it's wise to peel beets before juicing since the skins are very bitter. 
Rule 4: After juicing, drink the juice within minutes. 
The longer the juice sits, the more nutrients it loses. For the best tasting, highest nutrient juices, drink right after juicing.

Rule 5: Lay low on the fruit juices when detoxing.
Fruits are naturally high in sugar, which is why they're so tasty. Try to avoid drinking an abundant amount of fruit juice and instead add one or two fruits per four or five vegetables you add. I like making an all green juice then adding an apple to sweeten the taste.

Rule 6: Clean your juicer after each use.
Your juicer will clog up on the inside if you do not follow this step. Also, carrot and beet juice tends to stain, so try to clean you juicer quickly after using those veggies.

On to the fun part…the 3 day detox!
There are a million juice recipes to choose from! It's like a smorgasbord of recipes! Which ones shall I choose for my detox? Well the ones with the most veggies and least fruits of course! Most of my juices will contain one or two fruits in order to give it a little sweetness, but the veggies are where it's at. I read in an article by a nutritionist that starting your day out with carrot juice was the best thing you could do, so for my first breakfast juice I picked a recipe that had a ton of carrots and changed it a bit for my tastes =] I call it Orange Power Juice. Here's the recipe:
Orange Power Juice
6 Large Carrots, ends cut off
3 Small Green Apples, peeled and cored
1 Head of Broccoli
I added the carrots first, then the broccoli, and finally the apples. I put them in a larger shake bottle, give it a good toss, and then split between my husband and I. We tend not to savor the flavor, as the veggie ones aren't too the best things I've had in my life, so we chug them down! This one tastes a bit vegetably (I don't think that's a word, but it's how it tastes for sure!) but it's not unbearable and the amount of beta carotene is unsurmountable! 
CAUTION: Drinking too much beta carotene may lead to bronzing/yellowing of the skin and reduce your risk of cancer. So please, buy yourself some carrots and have a big ole' glass of juice because no one has ever died from too much beta carotene, they've only decreased their risk of cancer. Drink up =]
For lunch, I opted for a more greener juice. This is supposed to fill you up more and since my tummy was rumblin' after breakfast, this seemed like the best choice. I called this one A Pinch of Pineapple. Here's the recipe:
A Pinch of Pineapple
A Large Handful of Kale
3 Celery Stalks
A Large Handful of Parsley
1 Cucumber
1/2 Lemon
2" Ginger Root
2 Small Green Apples
1/4 Pineapple
Juice in this order. Shake lightly in shaker to blend juices. Enjoy.
Note: I've never juiced ginger before this and it knocked my socks off. It burned going down and I definitely will not be putting that much, if any, in next time… So if you don't like ginger, just omit it =]
Ok so here comes the difficult part to admit… but I could not finish. They say that the first day is the hardest, and man do I believe them! I started going downhill around 2pm. First I started to get hunger pains, so naturally I juiced a little fruit and drank that up. But the pains never stopped, and then I started to get a headache. See I'm prone to headaches, so when I get them, they only get worse…and this one was no exception. I would try to drink water and green tea, but it only got worse and worse. Finally, it was to the point where I would rate it a migraine and I needed to eat something. Another juice wouldn't have helped because I already felt nauseous, so I caved in and ate dinner. Eating didn't make my migraine go away though…I barely slept and when my husband's alarm went off in the morning, I was to my breaking point. I was sensitive to lights, sounds, felt sick to my stomach, could hardly get up because my head was throbbing. So basically I decided that I was going to try this whole juicing thing at a different time.
Warning: Do not attempt a "detox" while on your lady week ;) I think I was deficient enough from that and the juicing just added to it!
Also, don't go cold turkey juicing right when you get it. You need to ease your way into juicing. Maybe sub one meal out a day for a juice and move on from there. I think that'd be the healthier way
But on a good note: My husband was fine doing his. He said that around 2pm he felt really hungry but he got super busy at work after that and forgot. So I guess it all depends on your situation. And being the good husband he is, he's going to stick to any plan that I decide. So I think for now we're going to sub juice in for one or two meals a day and work our way from there. Hopefully I'll feel more confident in a couple weeks to try the three day detox again and actually stick to it!

Now I'll share some more info I found about fruits and veggies and how they help support your body!

Healing Properties of Different Juices: 

Alfalfa Sprouts: Useful for building red blood cells. Helpful for anaemia. The chlorophyll also benefits the respiratory tract and lungs. Assists with weight loss. Supports liver function. Useful for menopausal symptoms, as it contains large amounts of phyto-estrogens.
AppleSoothes the intestines and reduces constipation. Improves colonic flora and reduces unfriendly colonic bacteria and parasites. Increases the elimination of toxins via the intestines. Improves digestion. Reduces gallstones and gouty arthritis. Massages the gums and lowers cholesterol.
Asparagus:Helps to break up oxalic acid crystals in the kidneys and muscular system. Thus it is good for the pain of rheumatism and arthritis. Reduces kidney stones.
Beets and Tops:Good cleanser for the liver, biliary system and gall bladder. Beneficial in cases of iron deficiency anemia. Improves energy and vitality. Reduces hardening and blockage of the arteries.
Blackberries:General tonic, blood and skin cleanser. Helpful for catarrh and intestinal inflammation. Helpful for anemia, arthritis and fluid retention.
Blueberries:Good blood cleanser and antiseptic. Useful in cases of anemia, diarrhea, intestinal inflammation and skin problems.
Broccoli:Excellent for weight loss. Helpful for high blood pressure, liver problems and constipation.
Brussels Sprouts:Reduces insulin problems. Good general tonic, helpful for constipation, liver problems and obesity.
Cabbage:Excellent for many digestive and intestinal problems, such as bowel infections, parasites, bowel ulceration and colitis. Excellent liver tonic. Reduces gallstones and disorders of the bile ducts. Good skin cleanser in cases of acne and skin infections.
Cantaloupe:Useful in feverish states, high blood pressure, constipation, arthritis, intestinal gas/bloating and kidney/bladder problems.
Carrots:Improves night vision and promotes healthy eyes. Excellent for skin problems. Reduces inflammation of the mucous membranes in the intestines and respiratory tract. Is a liver cleanser and tonic. Healing effects in ulcerous and inflamed conditions of the stomach and intestines. Superb for increasing vitality and vigor. Promotes high quality breast milk and a healthy pregnancy.
Cauliflower:Excellent blood purifier and liver tonic. Useful for kidney/bladder disorders and constipation.
Celery:Reduces acidity, which is beneficial in cases of arthritis, gout and toxicity. Excellent in cases of stomach acidity and reflux. Natural diuretic, which reduces fluid retention. Calms the nervous system. Helps to balance the blood's PH levels (acid-base balance). Excellent for weight reduction. Helpful for insomnia, kidney/bladder problems and constipation.
Cherries:Good blood cleanser. Valuable for anemia, rheumatism, asthma, high blood pressure, constipation and cramps. 
Coriander:Stimulates the flow of bile and digestive juices. Relieves gas and reduces stomach and intestinal cramps. Used successfully for appetite loss and indigestion.Counteracts stomach-upsets and reduces asthma. Used to treat coughs and bladder complaints.
Cranberries:Can reduce urinary tract infections. Is an excellent cleanser and skin tonic.
Cucumber:Excellent diuretic properties to reduce fluid retention. Anti-inflammatory effect on the urinary tract, the gums and skin. Rich content of silica is beneficial for the hair, nails and skin. Reduces hair loss, aids in protein digestion, and helps lower blood pressure. Reduces acidity in cases of arthritis and rheumatic conditions. Reduces kidney stones.
Fennel:Has a calming effect on digestion, stimulates gastric secretions and reduces intestinal gas, flatulence and bloating.
Garlic:Fights infection and reduces LDL cholesterol. Promotes a healthy cardiovascular system. Is a good liver and bile cleanser. Natural antibiotic for the whole body. Dispels intestinal parasites. Helps the immune system to fight cancer.
Ginger Root:Natural antibiotic for the whole body. Reduces congestion and mucous production. Fights the common cold and flu. Natural remedy against nausea and travel sickness. Inhibits the formation of inflammatory prostaglandins, thereby reducing the pain of arthritis. Inhibits the formation of blood clots and lower LDL cholesterol.
Grapes:Provide a quick boost of energy. Have laxative and diuretic properties. Helps in anemia, blood disorders, and arthritis. Supports skin, kidney and liver function. Helps eliminate acid from the body. Improves complexion.
Grapefruit:Aids in the removal and dissolving of excess calcium in the joints. Helpful for catarrh, gallstones, obesity, sluggish liver function, digestive problems, respiratory and skin problems.
Guava:Helpful for digestive problems and diarrhea. Improves circulation and reduces catarrh and asthma.
Honeydew:Excellent diuretic properties. Useful for kidney and bladder problems. Reduces rheumatic and skin conditions. Aids in weight loss.
Kalestrengthens the bones due to high levels of calcium, potassium and Vitamin A.
Kelp:Benefits the nervous system and strengthens the immune system. Boosts the metabolism and thyroid function, and also aid to weight loss. Helpful in maintaining strong bones. Alginic acid, which is present in much seaweed, binds with heavy metals such as lead, mercury and cadmium and increases their elimination from the body.
Lemons:Reduce the tendency to hemorrhage, blood clots and high blood pressure. Powerful solvent in cases of arthritis and gout, thus reducing acid deposits in the joints. Excellent cleanser for the liver, bowel and blood stream. Relieves sore throats, coughs, colds, catarrh and asthma. Reduces nasal mucous production.
Lettuce:Has cooling and diuretic properties. Reduces acidity and so is helpful for arthritis and cystitis. Contains a natural sedative called lactucarium as well as magnesium, which help to calm the nervous system and improve sleep.
Mango:Helpful for inflammation of the gut and mucous membranes. Reduces respiratory tract inflammation. Improves digestion. Enhances skin appearance and healing.
Nectarines:Supports digestive activity. Useful in bronchitis, asthma, rheumatic states and high blood pressure. Can reduce cystitis.
Parsley:Excellent cleanser of the liver, kidneys and blood stream. Reduces gallstones and kidney stones. Helpful for arthritis and urinary tract infections. Excellent diuretic. Maintains healthy blood vessels and eyes.
Papaya:A valuable aid for digestion. Cleanses and tones the stomach and intestines. Useful in cases of intestinal ulceration. Reduces the tendency to blood clotting.
Peaches:Quick energy booster. Improves the complexion. Reduces stomach and kidney inflammation. Helpful for bronchitis and constipation. Useful in anemia and high blood pressure. Assists in the removal of intestinal worms.
Pears:Reduces acidity. Useful in those with digestive problems, irritable bowel, constipation and colitis. Excellent for those intolerant to salicylates or suffering with food allergies.
Peppers (sweet):Powerful cleanser of the intestines and liver. High antioxidant content aids the circulation and improves vision.
Peppers (hot):The hotness of chillies comes from capsaicin. Capsaicin can block the activation of cancer-causing chemicals. Can improve mood and relieve sinus and catarrh. They improve circulation and increase the metabolic rate thus assisting weight loss.
Pineapple:Has an anti-inflammatory property, which is of use in arthritis. Supports digestion of protein (it contains digestive enzymes such as bromelain). Mild laxative and diuretic properties. Reduces mucous congestion. Helpful with bronchitis, asthma, sinusitis and wherever excess catarrh is a problem. Assists in weight reduction.
Pomegranate:Helps to eradicate intestinal parasites such as worms, giardia, candida and amoeba etc. Good blood and kidney cleanser. Mild laxative.
Potatoes (sweet):Excellent for building body strength. Easily digestible and soothing for stomach ulcers and inflammation of the colon. Eases diarrhea and hemorrhoids.
Potatoes (regular):Good source of energy as they are high in protein, complex carbohydrates and fibre. Soothing to the stomach and intestines.
Radish and Tops:Excellent liver and bile cleanser. Reduces gallstones and kidney stones. Excellent diuretic. Is a natural antibiotic for the whole body. Clears mucous from the respiratory tract and reduces sinus and hay fever. Excellent for goiter. Beneficial for the hair, nails and teeth.
Raspberries:Reduces constipation and high blood pressure. Assists with weight loss. Raspberry leaves are excellent for diarrhea.
Rhubarb:Improves the flow of saliva, bile and gastric juices. It helps to support the muscular action of the bowels and small intestines. Reduces intestinal parasites and constipation. Rhubarb contains high levels of oxalic acid and sufferers of arthritis and kidney stones should avoid it. The leaves must not be eaten, as they can be toxic.
Spinach:Heals the lining of the digestive tract. Improves vision. Reduces arthritic pain. Choline and inositol maintain healthy blood vessels. Supports kidney and liver function. Excellent in cases of anemia. Reduces heavy menstrual bleeding. Reduces fatigue and constipation.
Strawberries:Excellent skin cleanser. Mild laxative and diuretic effect. Helpful for high blood pressure, gout and rheumatism.
Tomatoes:Good liver and bile cleanser. Antiseptic properties to reduce infections. Helpful in high blood pressure. Helpful for gout and kidney/bladder problems. Contains nicotinic acid, which helps to reduce cholesterol.
Watermelon:Supports kidney and bladder function. The seeds dilate capillaries thus reducing blood pressure. Is a cooling food- reduces hot flashes and refreshes the thirst. Helpful in depression.
Wheatgrass:Powerful cleanser and detoxifier of the blood and liver. Strengthens the immune system. Reduces high blood pressure and increases energy levels. Anti-ageing capabilities.
*Note: Everything listed above is just educational info… juicing is not a cure-all! It will help with a lot of things, but do not think that it will cure it in one day.
Hope you all enjoyed this post! Let me know about your juicing experiences and how you felt afterwards!
Color Yourself Happy!

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