
Lose Weight and Get Healthy!

So while at work, I catch up on a little bit of Dr.Oz. While listening to one of his shows, an interesting topic caught my attention…

Protein powders.

I know, I know. It sounds like I'm trying to become a body builder, but it's not like that at all! Having a scoop of protein powder in a breakfast smoothie can actually help you lose weight, have more energy during the day, boost your metabolism, and even help curb those crazy mood swings!

So this got the gears spinning. Should I try protein powders in my breakfast smoothie or not? I thought, why not? It can't hurt to try, right? So off to GNC I go. Luckily I had my hubby there with me to help delve through the many different types. We finally settled on soy protein powder. There were many choices, but I felt this was the right choice for me. I've compiled a list of the different kinds and how they benefit you!

Soy Protein
Boosts metabolism
Alleviates menopausal symptoms (Not too worried about this one yet ;) )
Helps prevent osteoporosis
Lowers cholesterol and the risk of heart disease
Can boost immunities
Can help decrease the amount of belly fat (YES!)
May reduce some types of cancers

Whey Protein
Tastes the best out of all the protein powders
Costs less than most others
Virtually fat free
Enhances the immune system
Good for lactose-sensitive people
Absorbed quickly into system
Muscle building benefits

Casein Protein
Good meal replacement - absorbs slowly
Doesn't mix very well with liquids
Muscle building benefits
Lose weight
Fight mood swings

Egg White Protein
Very low in fat and carbs
Cholesterol and dairy-free
Helps lose weight
Boosts metabolism
Easy to absorb into system

Brown Rice Protein
Good for people with sensitive stomachs
Lose weight
Revitalize your energy
Has carbs

These are just some of the popular ones. I'm sure there are a million other types, but I figured you'd be able to find these ones the easiest.  Also, don't go for the crazy flavored ones. Those just add artificial flavorings and colors to your protein. Try to stick with unflavored or vanilla or chocolate. Those come from natural ingredients, so are a bit better for you.

From looking at the different types, it looks as though you can't go wrong with any of them! If losing weight is your goal, just one serving of any type of protein with help fight the fat and help you fit in those skinny jeans, if that's your goal!

I'm going to be trying this every morning for breakfast, starting tomorrow! I'll let you all know my results in the upcoming weeks. I also workout every day during the week, so that may sway my results from someone who isn't working out everyday. But nonetheless, a scoop a day will melt the fat away :) hopefully at least! I'll keep you all posted!

Color Yourself Fit!

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