
Pre-Pregnancy List

Thinking of having a baby? Here's a list that I've composed of the things you should do to get yourself ready to get pregnant. We're thinking of having a baby so I was very curious as to what I should be doing to prepare my body to be the best home for my child while they are growing. Here's what I've come up with:

1. Schedule a pre-pregnancy doctors appointment.
     Here you will be examined and prescribed a multivitamin and prenatal vitamins. The doctor will talk to you about your exercise habits, your drug and alcohol habits, and your eating habits. You may want to get genetic testing here to determine if your child will be at risk for certain diseases. You may also receive a pap smear at this time.

2. Take folic acid.
     You may already be taking this in your prenatal, so make sure you aren't double dosing. Taking a folic acid supplement is crucial. By taking 400 mcg of folic acid a day for at least one month before you conceive and during your first trimester, you can cut your chances of having a baby with neural-tube defects such as spina bifida by 50 to 70 percent, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Taking folic acid helps prevent some other birth defects as well.

3. Give up drinking, smoking, and drugs.
     For obvious reasons, this is very beneficial for your baby's development. By doing any one of these, you can increase the chances that your baby will be born with a large handful of diseases, or even miscarry. Even secondhand smoke can increase the chance of birth defects in babies. So play it safe and think about your baby's health before yourself.

4. Start eating healthy now.
     Get your body prepared with all the nutrients that it needs to help your baby grow. Stock up on fruits and veggies, calcium-rich foods (yogurt and milk), and a lot of protein. This will also help you to eat healthier, since you're already used to it, when you get pregnant.

5. Try to stop drinking coffee.
     I know, I'm crazy right? That cup of coffee is the only thing that gets you through the day. Well you're in luck! Some studies have found that it is ok, or even in some cases beneficial, to drink just one small cup of coffee a day. Try to stick with just black coffee, but if you can't swing that don't throw a whole bunch of sugar in there, try a splash of non-fat milk. But no coffee is the best way to go if that's possible.

6. Make sure you're at a healthy weight.
     Being at a BMI from 20-24 is the most ideal weight to conceive. The pregnancy seems to be easier for women that are at this BMI. Being outside this number can have a negative effect on your fertility. To calculate your BMI click on this BMI Calculator. This may be hard to achieve for some women, so try your best to be as healthy as you can! Talk to your doctor for help with the best ways to gain or lose weight.

7. Start to exercise!
     An exercise plan is what you need to kick start your healthy pre-pregnancy body. A good exercise program includes at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise about 5-6 days a week. Try to get out an walk if you don't have a gym you can go to! Once pregnant, it's recommended that you continue your program. This will help you feel better, and get back to your pre-pregnancy body faster, and who doesn't want that?!

8. Make an appointment to see your dentist.
     It may seem like a funny thing on this list, but pregnant women are most susceptible to getting gum disease. A preventative appointment before you get pregnant can help deter any gum pain during pregnancy.

9. Stop the pill.
     You should stop taking your pill for a few months in order for your period to regulate back to your normal cycle. This may take a few months, but you will be able to get a better due date once you conceive. Also, it may take a bit for you to get pregnant once you stop birth control, or for some women it only takes a few days. 

10. Make sure you're ready.
     You should be 100% sure that you both are ready for a child. Since we live in a world where repopulating isn't an issue, you can chose to be a parent or not. Make sure that you feel financially stable as well because raising a child is not cheap! Talk this one out with your partner. Make sure you both feel the same way because being a parent is a full time job and you can never quit. This will change your life in a major way and you need to be certain that you can handle it mentally and physically.

I hope this list helps aid you in your journey towards pregnancy! Good luck and I wish every one of you the fastest and easiest birth once you decide to get pregnant!

Color Yourself A Parent

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