
How What You Say Effects Women

So you will always want to be a perfect 10 in your significant other's eyes. This is the ideal image that you'd like to perceive to them, however impractical it is. When they critique you, and they definitely do, it always has an effect on you, no matter how big or how small. For example, just a few months ago my husband told me that my teeth were getting yellow. Seriously?? Naturally, my first reaction was to shoot an insult right back at him. "No, your teeth are yellow! You must of been eating a crap ton of corn or something! Oh, and your uni-brow is getting a bit out of hand!" But let's get serious, it really made me self-conscious and I went out and bought some Crest Whitestrips. Don't get me wrong, my comments made him self-conscious too and he got rid of his uni-brow stat, so women are culprits too. 

But that's just one example of how a little comment like that can really take a toll on someone. And a bunch of those little comments may lead to resentment or self-hate.

"Man, you really need to pluck your eyebrows!"
"You're wearing THAT out?"
"Wait, you're not going to the gym today?"
"That's what you're going to eat?"

All of these comments break down a person's image of themself. They end up thinking, "Should I really eat this? I want my significant other to find me attractive. What if I never look like those models in the magazine? Will they still want me?"  All of these things run through a person's, mostly a woman's, mind constantly. Am I good enough? Am I skinny enough? Am I perfect enough? Women beat themselves up constantly about their appearance sufficiently without the help of their significant other. They have the help of TV, movies, magazines, the internet! Everything works against a woman that doesn't have that picture perfect body. She can always be doing something to make herself look better. 

Well everyone needs to realize that those people get paid to look like that. They don't have a normal job, children without the help of nannies, or money problems. The daily stress of the average American weighs heavy on people. It's hard to make time to look perfect. So think of that the next time a hurtful comment is said. Think of yourself as the ideal woman or man. The working woman who has to take care of three children and clean the house when she has a spare minute. Think of yourself as beautiful, and your "flaws" are just the little things that make you different from the Barbies out there. You are unique, you are beautiful, you are perfect!
Color Yourself Perfectly Imperfect

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