
99 Things You Might Be Thankful For About Your Husband

I found this list from imom.com, and it truly gave me a lot to be thankful for =] I've never really wrote every little thing down that my husband does right, and usually we tend to focus on the wrong things. This list brings to light some of the little things to be thankful for everyday, and when you think about them, it can make you a little bit happier and even change your whole mood around! Now some of these may not fit for your husband, but that will give you some room to be creative and think about all of the great things that specifically suit your husband! So as you read this list, don't think negatively if your husband doesn't do these things. Instead, focus on the ones he does do! It may drastically change your perspective on how you think about your husband =] 

On to the list...

  1. He works hard.
  2. He has a job.
  3. He's trying hard to find a job.
  4. He's a human jungle gym for the kids.
  5. He wants the best for our kids.
  6. He helps with the kids at bedtime.
  7. He's passionate about our family.
  8. He's a good leader.
  9. He's not a whiner.
  10. I can trust his judgment.
  11. He does the right thing, even when he doesn't want to.
  12. He tries to please me.
  13. He's organized.
  14. He's inventive.                                                                                              Picture from groovy doodle.net
  15. He loves to get his hands dirty.
  16. He's adventurous.
  17. He's dependable.
  18. He takes command.
  19. He can still sweet talk me.
  20. He's a saver.
  21. He's a spender.
  22. He rarely buys things for himself.
  23. He's disciplined.
  24. He doesn't swear.
  25. He doesn't swear that much.
  26. He doesn't swear in front of the children.
  27. He can fix anything.
  28. He knows when to call a repairman.
  29. He's stays calm in hairy situations.
  30. He volunteers to change diapers.
  31. He can change a diaper.
  32. He'll buy the diapers.
  33. He marvels at our children.
  34. He asks my opinion.
  35. He's committed to our marriage.
  36. He's realistic.
  37. He surprises me with flowers and gifts.
  38. He compliments me.
  39. He's a good guy.
  40. He's consistent.
  41. He helps clear the table.
  42. He thanks me at the end of most meals.
  43. He has simple tastes.
  44. I'm still attracted to him.
  45. He has a sweet smile.
  46. He doesn't make excuses.
  47. He knows me.
  48. He chose me.
  49. He's a great bug killer!
  50. He'll help with laundry.
  51. He touches me in all the right ways, and in all the right places.
  52. He still wants to be physical with me.
  53. He loves me as I grow older.
  54. He wants to be a good man.
  55. He values my job as a wife and mother.
  56. He is encouraging to our kids.
  57. He reads to our children.
  58. He's silly for our children.
  59. His eyes don't stray.
  60. He doesn't step out on me.
  61. He doesn't drink too much.
  62. He doesn't do drugs.
  63. He gets what's important in life.
  64. He would do anything to keep me smiling.
  65. He would lay down his life for us.
  66. His arms are protective.
  67. He keeps our cars spotless.
  68. He pursues a relationship with God.
  69. Things seem to roll off his back.
  70. He tries to put up with my PMS.
  71. He'd rather be with me and the kids than anywhere else.
  72. He's a trusted friend.
  73. He'd give a stranger the shirt off his back.
  74. He's honest.
  75. He's not a showoff.
  76. He's not scatter-brained.
  77. He's always prepared.
  78. He's a great provider.
  79. I know we'll never go hungry.
  80. He's creative.
  81. He calls if he's running late.
  82. He's always on time.
  83. He's happy to work behind the scenes.
  84. He makes me laugh.
  85. He has a good heart.
  86. He is honorable.
  87. He takes out the garbage.
  88. He finds the fun in life.
  89. When he makes decisions he considers the needs of our family first.
  90. He's irresistible.
  91. He's kind.
  92. He is willing to watch romantic movies with me.
  93. He cracks up at TV commercials.
  94. He's respected at work.
  95. He's a good employee.
  96. He's a good boss.
  97. He's a man of his word.
  98. He desires to be the best husband and father he can be.
  99. He's a good companion.

Color Yourself Happy!

1 comment:

  1. That's a great way to stay happily married! Focus on the positive things. And count yourself lucky if you are married to a wonderful man! I know I am...and I think you are too!


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