
8 Fun sciency-type activities to do with boys

So today I was talking with one of my friends and she asked me if I knew of any good craft-like activities that she would be able to do with an eight year old boy. This got the gears turning… 

I told her that she could do science-like activities, which are pretty much crafts for boys ;) I gave her the good ole' make a volcano out of paper mache, make play dough, make bouncy balls, and the list goes on. 

So I've decided to compile a list of a ton of activities that can be fun for boys!

(Leave these sitting in the solution over night!)

I couldn't find a link for this one, but I thought it was too cute to leave out! I would just take paper or a sheet of foam, cut it into whatever animal or shape I'd like for both the smaller and larger picture, then glue the smaller picture on the inside of the clothes pin and the larger picture on the outside! Super easy and really cute! Almost too cute not to make ;)

Hope this helps with anyone, especially my friend, who's trying to find a fun activity to do with a younger boy!

Color Yourself Happy!

1 comment:

  1. Nice! I'll have to try out the monster shoot out! Eugene, the kid I tutor seems to love destruction! LOL!
    <3 Kristina


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