
Berry-licious Smoothie

This smoothie is super easy to make and can be easily adapted to meet your needs. For the basic recipe, you'll only need some fresh or frozen berries, a fresh or frozen banana, Greek yogurt, honey, and ice. If you use all frozen, like I did, you'll need to add some liquid to the recipe or else it will never blend. I added some almond milk to mine, but you can add non-fat milk, coconut milk, or even water.

I usually like to use a fresh banana because I feel like it tastes better, but here in Korea, the bananas go bad so quickly, I have to freeze them or I would either be throwing a lot of them away or making a lot of banana bread… which is delicious, but not all the time =]

Any kind of berries will work for this. I always try to throw a lot of blueberries in there because of the antioxidants that they possess. But today I grabbed all of the berries that were in the freezer and threw them in! I had raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, and cherries.

To up the nutritious value, I like to add some flax seeds to the mix. I know it's not in the picture, but I did add them today…see I forgot about them and then when I went to put the almond milk away I saw them in the fridge and decided to add! You can also add chia seeds or rolled oats for the added proteins and fiber.

Oh! And talk about protein! That Greek yogurt has 12 grams of protein in one of those little cups, so adding that in there is awesome and adds a creaminess to your smoothie. You can also get the creaminess by adding an avocado to your smoothie, say if you're vegan and cannot have dairy.

Now for my easily buildable but totally perfect already if you don't want to add anything else recipe
1 Large Banana (Fresh or frozen)
1/2 Cup of each: (Fresh or frozen)
1-2 Tbs Honey
2 Single Serving Cups of Greek Yogurt (I used Oikos)
If you used all fresh fruits, add a handful of ice
If you used all frozen fruits, add liquid (Almond Milk) until well blended in blender (About 1 Cup)
2 Tbs Flax Seeds

Blend in blender on medium speed and enjoy! I add the liquid about 1/4 cup at a time and blend, just so it doesn't have too much liquid in it. This makes enough for two, maybe...maybe even three people! I always have extra after filling up a cup for my husband and I =]

Color Yourself Happy!

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