
Toxic Chemicals Found in Foods

So lately I've been on a health/organic kick, and have done some research on the toxic chemicals that are found in our everyday foods. I thought that I'd share this info with everyone so that you can all be aware of what you're putting in your body and what it can do!

  • Bisphenol A (BPA) - Found in plastic food containers and the lining of food and beverage cans. This has been linked to breast cancer.
  • Phthalates - Found in some plastic containers. These can cause damage to sperm, premature breast development in girls, and premature birth.
  • Zeranol - Found in beef. Increases cancer causing cells.
  • rBGH/rBST - Known as bovine growth hormone. This increases insulin production and increases your risk for breast cancer.
  • Sodium Nitrite - Found in processed meats (hotdogs, sausages, etc.) These are known to cause cancer. 
  • Hydrogenated Oils - Found in cookies, crackers, margarine, etc. Causes high cholesterol, can increase risk for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.
  • MSG - Known as Monosodium Glutamate. This chemical can also be called yeast extract, torula yeast, autolyzed vegetable protein, textured soy protein concentrate, carrageenan, maltodextrin, disodium inosinate, disodium guanylate, modified cornstarch and hydrolyzed vegetable protein. This can cause accelerated bone loss, skin rashes, nausea, migraine headaches, heart irregularities, and even seizures.
  • Sugar - Can also be called sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, corn syrup solids, and dextrose. Causes tissue damage linked to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.
  • Acrylamides - Formed when carbs are exposed to high heat. These are not always labeled since they form after the product is bought and heated. Found anywhere from bread crusts to snack chips. This is a carcinogenic.
  • Aspartame - Chemical sweetener found in diet sodas, gum, mints. Also called NutraSweet or Equal. It causes neurological disorders, migraines, brain tumors, and can increase chance of lymphoma and leukimia.
  • Casein - These are milk proteins found in soy cheese products. One of the worst proteins for your body. Increases risk for colonic tumors and cancer.
  • Food Colors/ Dyes - Derived from petroleum and contain aluminum. These can potentially cause cancer, brain tumors, thyroid tumors, and kidney tumors.
  • Homogenized Milk - Promotes prostate cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, atherosclerosis, anemia, MS, leukemia, and ovarian cancer.
  • Hydrochloride - Synthetic Vitamin B that has no nutritional value. Just used to boost the Vitamin B levels on nutrition labels. Also called niacin amide and cyanocobalamin. Known to increase cancer.
  • Phosphoric Acid - Found in sodas. This destroys tooth enamel.
  • Propylene Glycol - Used to make fake blueberries. Also used to make anti-freeze and airport runway deicer.May cause liver and kidney damage.
  • Sodium - The only good salt is "dirty" sea salt or pink Himalayan salt. These still have their nutrients in tact.
  • Soy Protein - This is junk protein. For men, this can lead to a testosterone imbalance, infertility, low sperm count, and increased risk of cancers. For women, it can cause estrogen dominance, which has been linked to infertility, menstrual troubles and cancer.
  • Sucralose - Also known as Splenda. Contains chlorine and promotes weight gain.
  • Textured Vegetable Protein - Made with soy protein (listed above). 
  • Palm Oil - Increases chance of getting blood clots and heat attacks.
  • Sodium Benzoate/ Potassium Benzoate - Found in sodas. Causes serious thyroid damage.
  • BHA - Butylated Hydroxyanisole - Causes cancer and can cause liver damage. Also used in jet fuel and embalming fluid. Found in hundreds of foods.
  • Saccharin - A sugar substitute. Found in many diet foods and soft drinks. Linked to causing cancer of the bladder, uterus, ovaries, blood vessels, skin, and various other organs.
Now before you go and say that everything has these chemicals in it and there is nothing that you can eat that doesn't have anything toxic in it, take a walk down your fresh fruits and vegetable isle. The kind of products that have these chemicals in them are the processed foods, so buy fresh fruits and veggies! The organic kind is obviously the best due to the fact that there were no pesticides used to grow them. But if you cannot afford all organic, only try to buy some organic. The best things to buy organically grown are those that you eat the skin, like apples and grapes. If they are grown underground, like carrots or beets, not buying them organic will not be too bad, just make sure to wash them thoroughly before eating! 

Did you know… that in todays society, people do not have to eat meat at all. There are so many different options out there that can give your body all of its nutrients! People just eat meat today because that's what they've always done. But back in the old days, they needed the meat to survive, and today we no longer need meat as a means of survival. Just a little fun fact.

Now go, be healthy, and be cautious of what you're putting into your body!
Color Yourself Happy!

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